The Future of Reproduction

Human reproduction has long been a preoccupation of ethicists, scientists and science fiction, from the lab-reared children of Brave New World to the artificial uteri shown in The Matrix. And as the recent furor over Facebook and Apple's proposal to offer to fund the freezing of their female employee's eggs indicated, we're far from settled about how emerging reproductive technologies will affect the way we live. At a time when the science of genotyping, uterus transplants, and the design of artificial sperm and eggs continues to evolve, it's worth pausing to consider what is within the realm of the possible when it comes to human reproduction, and which questions we should be asking before we get there. Part 1 of 5 - 'Engineering the Post-Modern Family' featuring Liza Mundy, Director, Breadwinning and Caregiving Program, New America.
November 19, 2014
Run time:
New America, Washington, DC
Presented by:
Future Tense and New America