The Future of Longevity

Human longevity is drastically increasing. In the coming years, it seems possible that we will live out our extra years or even decades in vitality and good health. But will we be able to keep pace? In an age of rapid technological and scientific progress, our communities, politics, and economic institutions are underprepared for the coming challenge of longer human lives. If the average lifespan extends to 100 or even 150, what will it mean for marriage, the work force, and personal financial planning? What about the economy and entitlement programs? How can we plan now for increased human longevity and its inevitable impact on society and policy? Part 1 of 5 - Welcome featuring Jacob Weisberg, Chairman and Editor-in-chief, Slate Group; Joel Garreau, Co-director of Future Tense, New America Foundation, Lincoln Professor of Law, Culture and Values, Arizona State University.
October 06, 2013
Run time:
New America, Washington, DC
Presented by:
Future Tense and New America